Saturday, May 03, 2014

Italy | Emma - "La mia città"


From May 3rd to May 9th, Sounds European! will review the best entries of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which is taking place in Copenhagen – with semifinals on May 6th and 8th and the final on the 10th.

Emma Marrone is a very known name to SE!: her songs were published here several times before. In Italy, she is currently one of the biggest names of the national music scene. Which means the Italian broadcaster RAI has decided to go big for the 2014 Eurovision, since they chose her to represent the country in Denmark. And "La mia città" is as high quality as everything else we are used to get from her. Its melody is powerful, her voice is amazing and the instrumentals are involving. It's our editors' favorite song of this edition, and that's why it's our song of the week.

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