Monday, January 12, 2015

10 Questions For: Timothy Cavicchini


It's Monday, which means it's time for one more chat with an artist Sounds European! presents (and loves). Today, we are traveling to Italy, to meet one of the coolest voices to have recently appeared in their national rock scene. These are our 10 questions for Timothy Cavicchini:

Sounds European!: Your name got more famous in the music world after you participated on The Voice of Italy. But what about before? When did you start singing? How did your life with music develop through time?

Timothy Cavicchini: As a child, I played the piano in the conservatory. At the age of 14, my first band was formed, and I was the frontman. I have had many experiences, and four years ago, I began to sing with Ostetrika Gamberini.

SE!: As you just said, you are part of a band, Ostetrika Gamberini. Tell us more about it. When did you start working together? Are you still working with them since The Voice of Italy ended?

TC: We work together since 2010. The relationship with the band has strengthened, we are a family. We're playing a lot, presenting our new songs.

SE!: How was the experience of taking part in The Voice of Italy, and going until the final? How do you feel the show helped you as a singer? And how did it affect your career?

TC: The Voice of Italy gave me visibility. It was a wonderful experience, but remaining visible is difficult, and we are working to remain. The Voice of Italy left me good memories, but today we are alone. We work with our forces.

SE!: What can we expect from your band? Are you planning to release a new album? What can we wait from the music you are making?

TC: We recently changed the label, so we are working to create a new large family. Expect everything, especially real rock.

SE!: At least for international market, Italy is an exporter of pop music. How do you see the rock scene in Italy? Do you think Italian rockers can also try reaching the public of other nations? Is it a plan of yours to explore the continent?

TC: I was born a rocker. I live for my music! The dream of being able to export worldwide turns me on...

"If everything is lived with passion, the charts and graphs are not a problem" (Picture: official Facebook page)

SE!: Talking about rock in Italy, we can quote two rockers whose names are quite respected: Vasco Rossi and Ligabue. Are they influences for you? What other names, from Italy and other countries, are your music influences?

TC: I admire and respect Ligabue and Vasco Rossi, but my idea of rock is fun, carefree, it has public involvement. My influences are not Italian. I am inspired by Nirvana, Temple of the Dog, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver... I love grunge. In Italy, I have always admired Timoria, Litfiba, Negrita.

SE!: Both in Italy and in the rest of the world, charts are dominated by female singers. Do you feel it is a challenge to be a man in a market filled with women? Or is it a differential?

TC: If everything is lived with passion, the charts and graphs are not a problem. The important thing is that I can always live of... passion!!!

SE!: If you could choose anyone, who would be some Italian and international artists you'd like to collaborate with?

TC: With anyone who is passionate about our history... My dream? Eddie Vedder, Dave Grohl...

SE!: Italy is internationally known for its very traditional Festival di Sanremo. Do you plan on taking part of it?

TC: We tried the last year, but nothing. This year, we didn't try. We have other priorities.

SE!: We would like to post a song of yours to close this interview. What is your favorite song of yourself, and why?

TC: I like all my songs, I could not sing them otherwise, but I have a song and a video which I can not give up. Thank you so much, and I hope to hear from you again. Good listening, this is "Altrove"!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dayum, he's one sexy guy :D