Friday, May 15, 2015

Portugal | Ella Nor - "Há um mar que nos separa"


From May 12th to May 18th, Sounds European! will review the best entries of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which is going to take place in Vienna – with semifinals on May 19th and 21st and the final on the 23rd.

The editors of Sounds European! aren't the biggest fans of the recent history of Portugal in the Eurovision Song Contest (with some few excepions). But this year, we are very happy with the country's choice for the festival: "Há um mar que nos separa", by Ella Nor (Leonor Andrade, born in Quinta do Anjo in 1994), delivers everything we expect from Portuguese music. A deep song which overflows rhythm and great vocals!

Updated on December 25th, 2017, with the new stage name of the artist.

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