Friday, April 24, 2020

Sweden | Ulrik Munther - "Man in need"


Swedish star Ulrik Munther is preparing a new album for us, to be released this fall. As a preview of it, he has just released an amazing single. We are talking about "Man in need". It's a wonderful ballad with a minimalistic (but very well built) mood and a deep message.

About it, Ulrik says: "The relationship my girlfriend and I have built together is probably the thing I'm most proud of in my life. It's also what brings me the most joy. We've talked for hundreds of hours and had more fights than I can count. I think it's important to challenge each other, not only for the sake of the relationship, but to grow as human beings. Of course, there are still times where we fall into old patterns, and 'Man in need' is pretty much me trying to own up to my shortcomings".

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