Sunday, December 13, 2020

Netherlands | Daimy Lotus - "Focus"


Daimy Lotus is a Dutch singer and songwriter from Rotterdam. Daimy has spent the last few years mainly writing for other artists and further developing and crafting her own sound and songwriting style. You can see the result of that process on her second single of 2020, "Focus". It's a very involving and emotional track!

"'Focus' is about depression and how it can creep up to you without noticing. In particular this song is about me coming to realize I'm in the grip of depression, resulting in feeling overshadowed by a darkness that takes away both my energy and joy in doing things, even the things I love to do, which leaves a metaphorical hole in me. I try to tell myself that I'm doing fine, but I'm not. While being in the grip of depression I also acknowledge that I will overcome it, and that I'm making progress. Though to truly embody this progress, I need to take my time", says Daimy. "The message of the song is that you shouldn't deny you could or are suffering from mental health issue(s). Face your demons and allow yourself to take as much time as you need to heal. Your mental health matters!"

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