Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Denmark | Mattis - "Enough of my love"


Mattis Jakobsen is a Danish singer hailing from Elsinore. He has just released two amazing singles. One of them is a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere". And the single we are featuring is his own "Enough of my love". The track is a delicious pop and synth mix that fits European summer in the most perfect way possible. About the latest, Mattis says that it "is a love song that I feel I just now am ready to release. I have had a hard time expressing my feelings through life and lately I have taken some big steps towards becoming more authentic and brave enough to say 'I love you' to those I love. And what a perfect timing to release such a song going into the summer and with corona as a hopefully almost finished chapter in Denmark - and the World".

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