Sunday, March 06, 2022

Denmark | RoseeLu - "Overthinking"


It's finally time to remeet RoseeLu. The Danish rising star has just released a new single, entitled "Overthinking". It's a song about a young, independent woman who knows exactly what she wants to do in her life, but how doubt can bring anyone off course. The sounds bring an irresistible '90s vibe, and we are totally hooked on it!

"Most of the time, I'm totally aware of my own thoughts and I know how to control them – make them mine and turn them into positive vibes and self-care. But sometimes, I doubt. Then all these unconscious, irrational thoughts take over my head and make me hypersensitive. I know, I'm not the only one overthinking life, so I had to write a song about it", RoseeLu says.

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