Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Netherlands | Jamai - "Geen tijd"


Jamai Johannes Loman is a Dutch singer who was born in Gouda in 1986. He rose to prominence after winning the first season of Idols in the Netherlands. His new single is "Geen tijd", a sweet and very enjoyable song which explores his voice greatly.

Kosovo | Maja Jaku - "Cross my heart"


Maja Jakupovic is a singer born in Kosovo who is currently living and developing her career in Austria. Her most recent single is entitled "Cross my heart", an inspiring jazz ballad with a fantastic instrumentation which lets Maja's voice unravel beautifully.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Germany | Glasperlenspiel - "Royals & kings"


German duo Glasperlenspiel are releasing a new album, entitled "Licht & schatten". And the first single to emerge from it is simply amazing: "Royals & kings" might mislead you for its English title, but the song brings a very cool pop in German.

Slovenia | Neisha - "Prihaja maj"


Every new single Slovene singer and musician Neisha releases is one more gift for the ears. And the rule is kept with her new release: "Prihaja maj" is a wonderful song, mixing the best of Neisha's voice and delightful instrumentals.

United Kingdom | James Bay - "Us"


British singer James Bay is finally back with new music! He is now promoting a new album, "Electric light", and his most recent single is entitled "Us". The song is a soulful and charming ballad that retains the folk-inspired sounds that made a name for James all over the world.

Sweden | Måns Zelmerlöw - "Happyland"


Look who is back! Swedish star Måns Zelmerlöw has recently released a great new single. It's "Happyland", a guitar-driven song with a smooth melody and a grandiose chorus. Its ambience is quite unique!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Norway | Carina Dahl - "Waste no time"


Look who is back with a new single! Norwegian star Carina Dahl has just released "Waste no time", and we are totally addicted to it. It's a sexy electronic pop song with an involving melody and a chorus which is extremely effective. It's impossible to listen to it only once!

10 Questions For: Nemo Schiffman


He is one of the most talented new artists coming from France. He is great in several forms of art. And music is surely one of them: his single "Stop the rain", featuring Nilusi, which you see below, has dazzled us and became our song of the week. Now, we are having the chance of talking to him about his work! These are our 10 questions for Nemo Schiffman:

Sounds European!: You come from a family of artists. Your mom is an actress and director, your father is a director of photography and your grandmother was also a director. Was art an obvious path for you? How did it happen in your life?

Nemo Schiffman: I think art is part of my blood, because it's part of my family's history. Of course, my parents gave me a huge cinema culture since I was very little. So the actor path attracted me naturally. But the singing one, it came to me while watching a French TV show called Star Academy when I was two. I used to sing along to the songs from the contestants. And then came my love of dance. When I was a child, I wanted to play in musicals, because it was the only way for me to practice my three art forms at the same time. But growing up, I realized that I wanted to be fully independent in each art.

SE!: You took part of the first season of The Voice Kids in France in 2014. Under the guidance of Garou, you were the runner-up of the competition. What are your memories of that period? How was the experience overall – and having to face competition and judgment? And how did you feel, finishing with such a great result?

NS: The Voice Kids was such a great experience. I made a lot of friends and memories. And singing with a band live in front of millions of people is so incredible when you're only 14. I didn't fear the judgment or the competition because I really participated just to have fun and do what I love. I never thought I could go this far into the competition. But not winning was the best part for me. Finishing runner-up is what I, my family and even Garou wanted. It was too soon for me to sign a record deal. And this huge exposure allowed me to sign with a record label two years later, when I felt it was the right time.

SE!: Your participation on The Voice Kids was in 2014. But your singles came only in 2016. Why did it take so long until your first releases? Then, when they came, success was instantaneous. How do you deal with success? And how do you feel, seeing so many people loving your work and singing your lyrics?

NS: Like I was saying, I wanted to wait before getting into the real business! I was really young when I finished The Voice, I wasn't ready. But in 2016, I felt a lot more mature and ready to jump into this industry.
I don't really like talking about "success", because it's nothing. It can vanish tomorrow, like nothing happened. So, I'm not taking anything for granted, I still work a lot. But of course, seeing people loving my songs is the best reward ever. It's the only reason why I do what I do: if my music can bring something to people, I feel like a winner.

SE!: Since we are talking about success, it's impossible not to comment about your fans. You have a growing fanbase, with thousands of followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. How is your relationship with your fans? And how important do you think it is to be connected to them?

NS: I love my fans so much. They are really important to me, even in my everyday life. When I'm feeling a bit down, seeing their love messages and the support they give me really cheers me up. I try to talk to them the most I'm able to. It's important for them to feel that I'm here too.

SE!: Your most recent single is "Stop the rain", featuring former Kids United singer Nilusi. We absolutely love it, it was elected our site's song of the week. It's your first single featuring another artist. How different is it to work with someone else in a song? And, in this case, how was working with Nilusi?

NS: Wow, thank you! Well, I loved working with another artist. The coolest part about it is the shows. When you're a solo artist and you're used to doing concerts, having a partner on stage is so refreshing. It's not as stressful as when you're alone.
Nilusi is a dear friend of mine, so working with her was really fun. I love singing with her, and she's a wonderful artist and person.

"If my music can bring something to people, I feel like a winner" (Picture: Antonini Photography)

SE!: In our opinion, you deliver a type of contemporary pop which is very rare in the French music scene. How about you, how do you see your own music? How would you classify your music, in style and genre? Do you have inspirations, artists you feel influence your work as a singer? And do you see yourself ever exploring other styles in the future, or do you feel you have already found "your place" musically?

NS: Well, the music that I released until now was very influenced by American pop music, because that's what I'm listening to the most. But now, I'm starting a whole new project, with a whole new sound. I feel like what I was doing before is what I like to listen to, but it's not who I am. My next songs, and my first album, will be more personal, and only with French lyrics. I want to tell stories, touch people with messages that I care about. And the music genre will be more like independent French variety.

SE!: You are not only a singer, but also an actor. You were even nominated for the most promising actor category at the 39th César Awards, for the role of Charly in "On my way" ("Elle s'en va"). How do you deal with both careers, singer and actor, at once? Do you have a favorite one? And is there anything you learned with acting that you actually use while singing and performing?

NS: I do not have a favorite one. I need both to live! And I always did both, at the same time. It was never a problem for me. It's more like a schedule thing, but it's not me who deals with that! And of course, I learnt a lot from acting, especially for the interpretation. If I want my music to make sense, I must interpret my lyrics. For me, it's one of the main skills a singer should have.

SE!: What are your professional projects for the near future? What can your fans expect from you in 2018? And looking further ahead into the future, what do you dream of achieving as a singer?

NS: Right now, I'm working on my first album, which I want to release at the end of 2018.
And for the future, I just wish to continue making music that I love and that people listen to. And I would love doing a huge tour in France, or even in other countries. Hey, you gotta dream big to be big!

SE!: If you could choose anyone, who would be some French and international artists you would like to collaborate with?

NS: In France, I would love to collaborate with Eddy de Pretto or Lord Esperanza.

SE!: We would like to finish this interview with a song of yours. What is your favorite song by Nemo Schiffman, and why?

NS: My favorite song from myself would have to be the acoustic version of my first single, "Will". I love how it's so calm and relaxing.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spain | Malú - "Ciudad de papel"


Spanish superstar Malú is back with a new single. "Ciudad de papel" is a grandiose song, with excellent instrumentals, beautiful melody and a passionate vocal performance by Malú. The result couldn't be better!

Italy | Laura Pausini - "Frasi a metà"


Italian singer Laura Pausini is living a very fruitful moment. Her third single this year is "Frasi a metà", a deep and emotional ballad which explodes in the chorus with the addition of rock sounds.