Friday, June 19, 2020

Finland | Jannike - "So many people, so many stories"


Finnish artist Jannike has gathered a great international team to record a song to help us all deal with the frustration over COVID-19 and its consequences. The project, which was coordinated by her producer, manager and boyfriend Niklas Rosström, involves people from London, Las Vegas, Stockholm, Mondilhan, Reykjavík and many places in Finland. The result is, as one can always expect from anything involving Jannike, amazing, and you can check it below.

"It took me forever to get everything right! But it's been a fun learning process and I am very pleased with the result", says Jannike. The musicians involved in this international collaboration include Ralph Salmins, Steve Sidwell, Ingrid Riutamaa, Tuukka Aitoaho, Janne Hyöty, Jörgen Ingeström and Jessica Marberger.

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