Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sweden | Ulrik Munther - "C'est la vie"


It's time to listen to a new single by Ulrik Munther. The Swedish singer has just released "C'est la vie". The new song, third from his upcoming new album, presents his looking to reconnect with his own child's spirit. And the result is amazing!

"I can't talk for everyone, but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in feeling boxed in sometimes. Like it's hard to change because I keep looking at my history. Telling myself that is who I am and feeling pressured to defend it, instead of letting it go and moving on. I think the world would be a better place, and people would be much happier if we didn't define ourselves so much by our history, but rather by our willingness and ability to listen, learn and engage", he says. "Life is constant change. You can either fight it or go with it. C'est la vie, haha!"

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