Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Portugal | Zé Tó Lemos - "The king"


Zé Tó Lemos isn't a new name for Sounds European! readers. Zé, who was born in Porto in 1979, is one of the names behind our beloved duo Amar Mais Agora. He has also recently led the project Cuida De Ti. Now, he is starting a new project, dedicated to creating soundtracks for audiovisual works. Get to know it by listening to "The king", a stupendous song with a grandiose ambience and a very intriguing mood.

"I've composed this track as a token of appreciation to Spitfire Audio. They offered their users the BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover library for free – which I've used to create 90% of this track. I would also like to dedicate this track to a huge inspiration and who is – to me – one of the best composers of all time: Ramin Djawadi. I consider his work on the excellent series 'Game of thrones' to be perfect. I know it'll be very hard for him to know this, but still, I'd like to publicly say thanks for all his inspiration", says Zé.

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