Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Denmark | Daniel Joy - "How to talk to girls"


It's time to introduce a new talent coming from Denmark: it's Daniel Joy, from Aarhus. He has just released a great new single, entitled "How to talk to girls". It's a delicious quirky and bouncy indie pop song with inviting beats and an extremely fun vibe. We are totally hooked on it!

"'How to talk to girls' is a tribute to the shy guy. I recall the awkward moments in bars, you know, the moments where one of your friends introduces you to this girl, and you suddenly turn into a silent and uncomfortable shell. It's just as much about impressing your friends, as it is finding the courage to actually talk to a girl you've just met. No one wants to be known as the shy and awkward friend sitting in the corner and I can think of a dozen times where a book for dummies or a tutorial video would have come in handy. I still don't know what's going on – so here's a song about it!", says Daniel.

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