Showing posts with label Daniel Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daniel Joy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Denmark | Daniel Joy - "Need you to stay"


Danish singer Daniel Joy is back to our site. And he has a great new single on offer! We are talking about "Need you to stay", an exciting pop song with a very captivating melody. We love it!

The song is about balancing life together and apart, trying to balance the fear of loneliness with a crippling sense of bad consciousness when demanding intimacy. As Daniel explains: "I have tried to be on both sides. I have been the one who felt neglected when I was left alone – albeit it was only for a few hours – but I have also been the person who felt bad about going out with my friends or being in the studio for too long because there was someone missing me at home".

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Denmark | Daniel Joy - "How to talk to girls"


It's time to introduce a new talent coming from Denmark: it's Daniel Joy, from Aarhus. He has just released a great new single, entitled "How to talk to girls". It's a delicious quirky and bouncy indie pop song with inviting beats and an extremely fun vibe. We are totally hooked on it!

"'How to talk to girls' is a tribute to the shy guy. I recall the awkward moments in bars, you know, the moments where one of your friends introduces you to this girl, and you suddenly turn into a silent and uncomfortable shell. It's just as much about impressing your friends, as it is finding the courage to actually talk to a girl you've just met. No one wants to be known as the shy and awkward friend sitting in the corner and I can think of a dozen times where a book for dummies or a tutorial video would have come in handy. I still don't know what's going on – so here's a song about it!", says Daniel.