Showing posts with label Aksel Kankaanranta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aksel Kankaanranta. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2021

Finland | Aksel Kankaanranta - "Hurt"


Aksel Kankaanranta returned to the Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun stage this year with another intimate ballad. "Hurt" brings soft verses and a growing melody helps Aksel show the amazing range of his voice. You can check his live performance for the song here.

Monday, December 07, 2020

Finland | Aksel Kankaanranta - "Muista kuka oot"


Finnish singer Aksel Kankaanranta is back with a new single. It's entitled "Muista kuka oot". The song is a smooth ballad with a hypnotic mood and a very pleasing ambience. Aksel's voice is wonderful!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Finland | Aksel Kankaanranta - "Looking back"


Aksel Kankaanranta is a 20-year-old singer hailing from Turku, Finland. He had recently been selected as the representative of his country for the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest, before it was cancelled, with the song "Looking back". The song is an intimate contemporary ballad that highlights Aksel's sweet voice.