Showing posts with label Albatross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albatross. Show all posts

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Iceland | Albatross - "Mér þykir það leitt"


We're thrilled to present another single by Albatross! The Icelandic guys have just released "Mér þykir það leitt", a song that blends rock, pop and folkloric sounds in a perfect amount!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Top 50 of 2020: #49


In 2020, Sounds European! has presented more than 1500 songs. And now, as it is our tradition, it's time to reveal our favorite ones among them. Until December 31st, you'll get to know our list with the 50 best songs we've discovered this year.

49th place: Iceland | Albatross - "Já það má"

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Iceland | Albatross - "Já það má"


Sverrir Bergmann Magnússon, Halldór Gunnar Pálsson, Óskar Þormarsson, Valdimar Olgeirsson and Halldór Smárason are Albatross, an Icelandic band from Reyjavík. Meet them with their outstanding single "Já það má". It's a great pop-rock song, with very entertaining influences of '80s music, both in the way the melody is worked and in the way synth elements are added to the instrumentals. The result is awesome!