Showing posts with label Alessandro Casillo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alessandro Casillo. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

10 Questions For: Alessandro Casillo


He is one of the best talents of his generation. And we should add: not only in Italy, but in Europe as a whole. We have been watching him grow up, and his music go through several transformations. Every one of them has been a pleasure to our ears – as it was a pleasure to get to interview him! These are our 10 questions for Alessandro Casillo:

Sounds European!: We feel that an interesting way to get to know a singer is to learn about his early relationship with music. What artists did you enjoy listening to when you were younger? Do you feel that any aspect of their work has influenced you as an artist, at any point of your career?

Alessandro Casillo: Since I was a child, I was into music. I used to listen to every kind of music, but Michael Jackson was (and is) my favorite singer. Everyday, I listen to Michael, so everyday Michael is in my mind.

SE!: We talked about your first memories with music, as a listener. Now, we want to talk about your first memories with music as a singer. When and how did you start singing? Who were the first persons to recognize your talent? And what was the moment when you realized that singing was becoming more than a hobby, but your profession, your future?

AC: When I was a child, often I used to sing and play at the piano in my house, so I could consider my parents as my talent scout. :)
When I was 13, fortunately I got the opportunity to participate on a famous talent music show. From that, I understood it could be an important occasion that would change my life.

SE!: One of the first achievements of your professional career was winning the Giovani category of Festival di Sanremo in 2012. You were starting your career, at a very early age [15], and you were already writing your name in the history of an event which is an institution of the international music scene. How was that, for you? How did you feel?

AC: I didn't expect to win Sanremo so young. It was an unbelievable and unforgettable experience. From that moment, I thought that music was not only a passion, but could be a full time work!!

SE!: You have a very special relationship with your fans. You've had huge autograph sessions throughout Italy. You've had very successful tours. You had a unique bonding experience on #ALECAMP. Even in your latest video, "After", we can see references to your fans and your connection with them. What can you tell us about this relationship? What role do you believe your fans have in your career?

AC: My fans are everything! Without them, I would be nothing. I listen to their advice and try to put it to my songs. We are a big family. A singer without a fan is not the same singer.

SE!: We absolutely love your music! You are one of the few artists to have appeared twice in our lists of best European songs of the year – "L'amore secondo Sara" in 2014 and "Ancora qui" in 2018. And it's interesting to notice: these two songs are very different from each other! It's clear to us that we watched you grow up (as a person and as an artist) along with your music. When you make this comparison yourself, between your first songs and your current ones, what would you say has changed, and what has remained the same, musically?

AC: I started working with music at a very young age and, while I was growing up, my music was growing up the same. I like changes, I like to show my versatility because for me music is growing continuously.

"I like changes, I like to show my versatility because for me music is growing continuously" (Fashion stylist: Tommaso Rosati)

SE!: In this sense of evolving, of growing up along with your music, we can say that you are now living a new stage of your career. You've just signed with Krishna Music Group – "After" is your second exclusive release with them. How is this new moment being, for you? How does it feel to start working with a group that believes in your current music, your current self?

AC: Yes, I've just signed with them, and I feel very well, because I feel that they trust in me and in my music. I was waiting for people like them for a long time.

SE!: As you are giving your first steps in this new music group, we can only wonder. What are your professional projects for the near future? What can your fans expect from you?

AC: I'm writing every day a new song for the new album, I'm working very hard and I hope that everyone who will listen to my new stuff will like it!!

SE!: If we look even further in time, what do you still want to achieve in your career? What are your biggest professional dreams?

AC: My dream is to do this job for all my life time. I dedicate all my life to music and so I hope it could be like this forever.

SE!: If you could choose anyone, who would be some Italian and international artists you would like to collaborate with?

AC: I have already got the lucky opportunity to work with amazing artists, like the Backstreet Boys, James Blunt and Pino Daniele. I got a very open mind so I would enjoy every kind of collaborations, but if I have to choose one, probably I would chase Lauv. I love him!

SE!: We would like to finish this interview with a song of yours. What is your favorite song by Alessandro Casillo, and why?

AC: My favorite song is my next one, because I want to improve as best as possible.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Italy | Alessandro Casillo feat. Mose - "After"


Italian star Alessandro Casillo is back with a new release. For it, he's joined Mose, stage name of Simone Reo, an italian rapper from Milan, born in 1996, who rose to prominence as a participant of Amici's 17th season. "After" offers a great mix of Alessandro's quality and charisma and Mose's power and intensity.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Hasta luego"


After leaving Italy's main talent show, Amici, Italian singer Alessandro Casillo is back with a new single. It's "Hasta luego", a song which offers a very entertaining melody and a quite effective chorus. The result couldn't be more Latin than it is!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Con la musica e il resto (Messico)"


Italian star Alessandro Casillo has just released a new single. And we are totally in love with it! "Con la musica e il resto (Messico)" is a lovely ballad which mixes wonderful instrumentals and melody with Casillo's flawless vocal performance in a perfect manner. The result is excellent!

This song doesn't have an official video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Perché non amici"


Italian star Alessandro Casillo is taking part of the most traditional talent show in Italy, Amici. And, during his participation, he has released a new single, entitled "Perché non amici". It's a well-paced pop song with a quite captivating chorus.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Top 50 of 2018: #28

2018 IN 50 SONGS

Throughout the year, Sounds European! has presented over 1600 songs. As it is our tradition, we have reviewed all of them and selected the 50 that we consider to be the best of the bunch. And now – until December 31st –, it's time to present our final list!

28th place: Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Ancora qui"

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Ancora qui"


It's been more than three years without a new single by Alessandro Casillo. And we were surely missing him and his music! Now, the wait is finally over: we were gifted with an amazing single, entitled "Ancora qui". It offers an exciting melody, which leads to an irresistible chorus, and a perfect vocal performance by Alessandro. It's excellent! We are fully addicted!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "Tutto il mondo parla di noi"


"L'amore secondo Sara" was one of Sounds European!'s biggest loves of 2014, having appeared in our list of the best songs of the year. Now, Alessandro Casillo is back, promising to strike us once again: his "Tutto il mondo parla di noi" is another sample of his very unique and sweet style of making pop-rock.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Top 50 of 2014: #45

2014 IN 50 SONGS

The end of 2014 is approaching. And, as it happened on the last days of 2013, it's time for our review of the best we've listened throughout the year. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were published here during this period – more than 1200 – and selected the 50 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 50 will remember some of the coolest artists and tracks which were presented during the year.

45th place: Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "L'amore secondo Sara"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Italy | Alessandro Casillo - "L'amore secondo Sara"


Alessandro Andrea Casillo (born in Assago in 1996) is one of the best new talents of the Italian music scene. His new single "L'amore secondo Sara" is a great new addiction of ours. The rhythm and ambience are involving and hypnotizing, and his voice completes it all perfectly. Amazing song, a must-listen!