Showing posts with label Anna Vissi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anna Vissi. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Top 50 of 2020: #45


In 2020, Sounds European! has presented more than 1500 songs. And now, as it is our tradition, it's time to reveal our favorite ones among them. Until December 31st, you'll get to know our list with the 50 best songs we've discovered this year.

45th place: Cyprus | Anna Vissi - "Flegomenos trochos"

Monday, October 19, 2020

Cyprus | Anna Vissi - "Tromagmeno mou"


Cypriot diva Anna Vissi has just released a new single. And it is a breathtaking one! "Tromagmeno mou" is a wonderful song, with an epic ambience and a very strong melody, built by great instrumentals.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Cyprus | Anna Vissi - "Flegomenos trochos"


Oh my, do we have a gem to present right now! Cypriot superstar Anna Vissi has just released a new single, and we are totally hooked. "Flegomenos trochos" is a grandiose and epic song. It offers powerful and marking instrumentals, an even more powerful and imposing vocal performance, and a lot, a lot, a lot of personality! It's a song to listen on repeat.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Cyprus | Anna Vissi - "Iliotropia"


Cypriot diva Anna Vissi is back! She is soon releasing a new album, and has just presented the song that names the whole work: "Iliotropia" is a flashback to '70s synth sounds combined with current pop trends.

Updated on October 20th, 2019, with the official video.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cyprus | Anna Vissi feat. Antonis Remos - "Ena i kanena"


A totally Greek pop song, performed by two artists born in other countries. The Cypriot Anna Vissi meets Antonis Remos, who was born in Düsseldorf, for a very powerful ballad. Delightful!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Cyprus | Anna Vissi - "I kathimerinotita mas"


Anna Vissi is one of the biggest stars in Cyprus. She took part of the Eurovision Song Contest three times, representing Cyprus once and Greece twice. Check out her last single!