Showing posts with label Blind Myself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blind Myself. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top 40 of 2013: #8

2013 IN 40 SONGS

2013 is almost ending. It's time to celebrate and remember the good things this year has brought. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were presented here during this period – almost 700 – and selected the 40 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 40 will review some of the coolest artists and tracks which were seen here during the year.

8th place: Hungary | Blind Myself - "Diszkószám az éhezésről"

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hungary | Blind Myself - "Diszkószám az éhezésről"


Every week, the editors of Sounds European! get stucked in one song. And this time it's the turn of the Hungarian rock band Blind Myself. Their metalcore sounds mingle with some electronic beats in "Diszkószám az éhezésről". Hungarian music surprising us again!