Showing posts with label Chimène Badi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chimène Badi. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Top 50 of 2019: #20


Sounds European! has featured over 1500 songs in 2019. With the end of the year approaching, it's time to look back and review the best of them. You will now be presented, until December 31st, with our list of the top 50 European songs of 2019.

20th place: France | Chimène Badi - "Là-haut"

Saturday, January 12, 2019

France | Chimène Badi - "Là-haut"


Little by little, we are getting closer to this year's season of National Finals for Eurovision. And, as candidates are starting to be presented, some of them are already calling our attention. It's the case of Chimène Badi's "Là-haut", from France. It's that kind of song that one loves more and more after every listen!

Updated on March 16th, 2019, with the official video.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

France | Chimène Badi - "Elle vit"


Born in 1982 in Melun, Chimène Badi is a French singer who has been quite successful in her home country. Judging by her latest single, we can see why she had all her albums charting in the top positions of the French chart: "Elle vit" is an enticing and classy French pop song, magistrally completed with an exquisite instrumentation.