Showing posts with label Daniel Kajmakoski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daniel Kajmakoski. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Serbia | Neverne Bebe feat. Daniel Kajmakoski - "Jos se nadam"


Big meeting of Balkan stars! Serbian group Neverne Bebe has gathered with Macedonian singer Daniel Kajmakoski to release "Jos se nadam". And the song does full justice to their quality: it's beautiful!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Top 50 of 2016: #17

2016 IN 50 SONGS

The end of the year is approaching. And on Sounds European!, this can only mean one thing: it's time to look back and remember some of the coolest artists and tracks we've listened during the past 12 months. We reviewed more than 1500 songs posted in 2016 and selected the 50 we consider the best ones – which will be presented to you until December 31st.

17th place: North Macedonia | Daniel Kajmakoski - "Samo za ljubav"

Saturday, April 09, 2016

North Macedonia | Daniel Kajmakoski - "Samo za ljubav"


Some artists never stop evolving. We can surely feel that when we listen to the sequence of singles by Macedonian star Daniel Kajmakoski. Every new single, we discover new levels he can reach, and we get even more in love with his work. It's exact our reaction after listening to "Samo za ljubav". It's such an incredible single! A perfect mix of Balkan passion with pop-rock. Excellent track: it's our song of the week!

Friday, July 24, 2015

North Macedonia | Daniel Kajmakoski - "10 leta"


After his Eurovision Song Contest adventure in May, the Macedonian singer Daniel Kajmakoski is back. And get ready: he is ready to blow your mind! "10 leta" is the first single for his new album, and it's as good as you can expect. Daniel's great voice is followed by an amazing and very strong melody. And the chorus is the higest point of this all-high work.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

North Macedonia | Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn leaves"


From May 12th to May 18th, Sounds European! will review the best entries of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which is going to take place in Vienna – with semifinals on May 19th and 21st and the final on the 23rd.

Macedonian singer Daniel Kajmakoski, who has appeared on SE! twice before, is back to our site. This time, with his Eurovision Song Contest entry. After winning Skopje Festival with "Lisja esenski", he will go to Austria with its version in English, "Autumn leaves". It's a beautiful track, with a melody which helps building a unique mood.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

North Macedonia | Tamara Todevska feat. Daniel Kajmakoski - "Za mig"


Two of the best voices of North Macedonia gathered to record a single. The result could only be great. Daniel Kajmakoski and Tamara Todevska, respectively the winner and the runner-up of the latest Skopje Festival (used as National Final for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest), recorded "Za mig". Piano based, the track is light and delicious to listen.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Serbia | Željko Joksimović feat. Daniel Kajmakoski - "Skoplje Beograd"


Famous and brand-new names meet in the Balkans, when Serbian star Željko Joksimović joins the first winner of The X Factor Adria, Macedonian singer Daniel Kajmakoski (who was in Željko's team on the reality show). "Skoplje Beograd" is a very cool mix of pop with traditional Balkan sounds.