Showing posts with label Dikta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dikta. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2019

Iceland | Dikta - "Anniversary"


Look who we are finally seeing again! It's Icelandic band Dikta, and their new release "Anniversary". It's a smooth pop-rock song with a well-marked melody and a captivating set of bridge and chorus.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Iceland | Dikta - "Hope for the best"


Time to remeet our favorite artists from Iceland. Dikta has released a new single, entitled "Hope for the best". And you can also hope for the best, because this song won't let your expectations down! It's a great track, with one of the nicest and most involving chorus of the recent months.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Iceland | Dikta - "We'll meet again"


Dikta is one of our favorite names from the Icelandic music scene. And singles like "We'll meet again" show why. It's top-quality material: rock at its best, with growing melody to a catchy and effective chorus. The vocals are a great wrapping for the song. We love it!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Iceland | Dikta - "Sink or swim"


Icelandic band Dikta will be releasing a new album later this year, but they have already surprised us with the first track to emerge from it. "Sink or swim" is a powerful rock, with a strong chorus and a very nice melody flowing through the whole song. Definitely an enhancer while we wait for the whole album!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Iceland | Dikta - "Talking"


It was not long ago when we featured Dikta with a great oldie. Well, they are back! The amazing rock band from Reykjavík has just released "Talking", a song that's very influenced by British pop-rock. Get ready to get caught by the Icelandic power!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Iceland | Dikta - "Breaking the waves"


Nordic rock is very renowned around the world, and that's what Dikta does. They are an alternative rock band from Reykjavík, Iceland, and "Breaking the waves" is one of the singles from their second album, "Hunting for happiness". The track mixes a powerful rock melody with deep lyrics and a voice that matches perfectly, creating a magnific atmosphere.