Showing posts with label Dimitris Theodosiadis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dimitris Theodosiadis. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

Top 50 of 2020: #41


In 2020, Sounds European! has presented more than 1500 songs. And now, as it is our tradition, it's time to reveal our favorite ones among them. Until December 31st, you'll get to know our list with the 50 best songs we've discovered this year.

41st place: Greece | Dimitris Theodosiadis - "Anikeis se mena"

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Greece | Dimitris Theodosiadis - "Anikeis se mena"


Dimitris Theodosiadis is a Greek singer hailing from Athens. He was a finalist of The Voice of Greece in 2017. Dimitris has just released his debut single, entitled "Anikeis se mena". It's an amazing pop song, with great melody and a very marking chorus. We see potential for a very successful future!