Showing posts with label Ellinoora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ellinoora. Show all posts

Friday, January 01, 2021

Finland | Ellinoora - "Dinosauruksii"


Finnish singer Ellinoora surprises us once more with a very fun single. We're talking about "Dinosauruksii", a contemporary pop number that announces the release of the artist's third studio album.

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Finland | Ellinoora - "Antibiisi"


Among all the songs recently released by Finnish star Ellinoora, "Antibiisi" is likely our favorite one. It's an intense and sharp pop song, with a hypnotic ambience that grows in the bridge and flows into a highly addictive chorus.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Finland | Ellinoora - "Viha, kipu ja rakkaus"


It's time to listen to another track of Ellinoora's new album! We now highlight "Viha, kipu ja rakkaus", a well-paced mid-tempo pop song with cool beats and a chorus that is highly involving and captivating.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Finland | Ellinoora - "Veitset"


Look who is back! It's Finnish diva Ellinoora, who has great news to present. She has just released a new album, entitled "Vaaleanpunainen vallankumous", and along with it, videos for several of its tracks. We now highlight "Veitset", which is a very deep and heartfelt piano-led ballad.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Finland | Ellinoora - "Funeral song"


Finnish star Ellinoora can do no wrong. Every new release of hers is another great and positive surprise for us. And her rendition of The Rasmus's "Funeral song" keeps the pattern steady and strong. What a great song it is!

Friday, July 06, 2018

Finland | Ellinoora feat. eetu - "Bäng bäng typerä sydän"


Great new music coming from Finland! It's "Bäng bäng typerä sydän", by Ellinoora and Eetu Kalavainen. It's a beautiful song, which starts smooth and soft, and grows in intensity, without losing its sweetness at any point. We love it!

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Finland | Ellinoora - "Nartut"


Finnish star Ellinoora has just released a new single, and we couldn't be more thrilled about it! "Nartut" offers well-marked beats which lead Ellinoora's great voice into a unique journey, exploding into a very captivating chorus.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Finland | Ellinoora - "Glitteri"


Finnish singer Ellinoora is back to Sounds European! with her latest single. "Glitteri" is a sweet pop which starts calmer and evolves to an explosive chorus.

Updated on May 18th, 2019, with the official audio video.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Finland | Roope Salminen & Koirat feat. Ellinoora - "Tanssi se ulos"


It's time to remeet Finnish group Roope Salminen & Koirat. This time, they've gathered with Ellinoora, to record and release "Tanssi se ulos". It's a great meeting of the group's groove with Ellinoora's stupendous voice.

This song doesn't have a full-length video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Finland | Ellinoora - "Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta"


Time to check up on Finnish singer Ellinoora! Her most recent single has simply captivated us: "Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta" is a deep and emotional ballad, which explodes in instruments towards the chorus.

This song doesn't have a full-length video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Finland | Ellinoora - "Elefantin paino"


Finnish singer Ellinoora is becoming one of the most prolific singers in her country. She is back to our site with yet another majestic proof of her talent: "Elefantin paino" is an intense ballad that lets the singer show all her power!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Finland | Ellinoora - "Leijonakuningas"


It's a great moment for the best female singers from Finland! They are all returning after some time off – and all of them, with great music. It's also the case of Ellinoora, whose new single is just highly addictive. "Leijonakuningas" has involving melody, catchy instrumentals and, as usual, the unique and excellent vocal capacity of Ellinoora. Simply lovely!

Updated on May 18th, 2019, with the official audio video.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Finland | Ellinoora - "Minä elän"


Ellinoora is becoming one of the leading female singers in the Finnish music scene. Each single of hers is better than the previous one, and with "Minä elän" there is no exception: an exquisitly sweet single which shows the power and talent of her voice.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Finland | Ellinoora - "Ei hävittävää"


We were missing Ellinoora. After the amazing "Sellainen mies", we were really expecting new songs by her. And now our wish has finally come true, with "Ei hävittävää". It's a very soulful song, which shows the singer's versatility and quality.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top 40 of 2013: #35

2013 IN 40 SONGS

2013 is almost ending. It's time to celebrate and remember the good things this year has brought. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were presented here during this period – almost 700 – and selected the 40 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 40 will review some of the coolest artists and tracks which were seen here during the year.

35th place: Finland | Ellinoora - "Sellainen mies"

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Finland | Ellinoora - "Sellainen mies"


Stylish, strong, sexy, groovy... it's hard to find enough adjectives to describe in details how great "Sellainen mies" is. It is the first single of Ellinoora, a new singer coming from Finland. Her voice quality is extremely mature and developed for someone who is only 19 years old. A true Finnish gem!