Showing posts with label Eye Cue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye Cue. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Love me hate me"


Macedonian band Eye Cue are back to our site to show us their latest single. "Love me hate me" is a guitar-driven contemporary pop whose chorus will have you swinging endlessly!

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Lost and found"


Eye Cue were unveiled to be the Macedonian artists for this year's Eurovision Song Contest. And here we can check out their song: "Lost and found" mixes contemporary pop with reggae in the verses and delicious synth pop in the chorus, a combination that resulted in a warm welcome among the fans.

Friday, November 17, 2017

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Kolku dobro te znam"


Delightful new single coming from North Macedonia! It's "Kolku dobro te znam", new release by Eye Cue. It's a song which offers different layers of music, with diversity of instrumentals and wonderful vocal work. The result is quite appealing!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Mojot kral"


Macedonian group Eye Cue is back with a new single, and we are really excited about it! "Mojot kral" offers a very catchy melody from the very first second. Vocals are great, complementing the song to perfection!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Najdobar"


Sounds European! remeets Macedonian band Eye Cue and their new single. "Najdobar" is such an exciting song! It has an amazing melody and a stupendous chorus. It's impossible to listen to it only once!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Najbolja"


It's time to listen to a great new single by Macedonian band Eye Cue! "Najbolja" is a very entertaining pop-rock. Its melody is highly involving, and grows into a very strong and electrifying chorus, which is surprising and captivating. The mix of voices works very well. We love it!

Friday, July 01, 2016

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Sepak mi e zabavno"


Macedonian band Eye Cue's new single is becoming a hit in the Balkan region. And we are also in love with it! "Sepak mi e zabavno" is a unique song, with classy instruments building a very different melody, full of variations and creative moments. Marija's voice is, as usual, outstanding.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Eve pak"


Time to remeet Macedonian band Eye Cue. They have released a new single, entitled "Eve pak". It's a guitar-based song with very entertaining melody. The chorus is specially cool, and the voices work very well together throughout all the track.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

North Macedonia | Eye Cue - "Bobi bash mi e galje"


A pop-rock group with one of the most beautiful voices Sounds European! has presented in the past weeks. That's what Macedonian band Eye Cue are offering, with their most recent single "Bobi bash mi e galje". The song is an uptempo in which the instruments are not tough enough to hide the amazing voice of the lead singer. Very enjoyable!