Showing posts with label Frida Gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frida Gold. Show all posts

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Germany | Frida Gold - "Halleluja"


Look who's back! It's German band Frida Gold, presenting us their new single, "Halleluja". The song brings a marking beat and contemporary influences to create a uniquely groovy track.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Germany | Frida Gold - "Langsam"


How to resist Frida Gold? The German band is dazzling us again, showing us more sides of their talent: their latest single, "Langsam", brings a more intimate and touching set of melody and lyrics.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Germany | Frida Gold - "Wir sind zuhaus"


Every new single by German group Frida Gold gets us really, really excited. And "Wir sing zuhaus" was not the exception. The band switched the catchy pop songs for more intimate and delicate sounds, still retaining their amazing quality.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Germany | Frida Gold - "Run run run"


German pop group Frida Gold have finally released a song in English! "Run run run" is as epic, anthemic and amazing as all their other songs: it has a great melody and a fantastic chorus!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Top 50 of 2014: #38

2014 IN 50 SONGS

The end of 2014 is approaching. And, as it happened on the last days of 2013, it's time for our review of the best we've listened throughout the year. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were published here during this period – more than 1200 – and selected the 50 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 50 will remember some of the coolest artists and tracks which were presented during the year.

38th place: Germany | Frida Gold - "6 billionen"

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Germany | Frida Gold - "6 billionen"


Frida Gold has already been quoted several times on Sounds European!, and here comes another massive track of theirs. We talk about "6 billionen", a very soft pop track that confirm the group's success accross Germany.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Top 40 of 2013: #20

2013 IN 40 SONGS

2013 is almost ending. It's time to celebrate and remember the good things this year has brought. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were presented here during this period – almost 700 – and selected the 40 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 40 will review some of the coolest artists and tracks which were seen here during the year.

20th place: Germany | Frida Gold - "Liebe ist meine rebellion"

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Germany | Frida Gold - "Die dinge haben sich veraendert"


Frida Gold's "Liebe ist meine rebellion" was one of the first posts of Sounds European! some months ago. This fantastic German band has just released the second single of their latest album. "Die dinge haben sich veraendert" is a downtempo pop song that will sooth your mood instantly! 

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Germany | Frida Gold - "Liebe ist meine rebellion"


Frida Gold has just released another single, and it is as contagious as their previous ones. The first single from their second album, "Liebe ist meine rebellion", includes some English phrases and a "na-na-na" that will stick in your brain for the rest of the day.