Showing posts with label Ilta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ilta. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Finland | Ilta - "Taivas maan päällä"


Sounds European! remeets Finnish artist Ilta, who has just released "Taivas maan päällä". It's a beautiful piano-and-voice ballad. Only an artist as Ilta, with such a great and unique talent, can shine so much in this simple (yet lovely) ambience!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Finland | Ilta - "Kelle mä soitan"


Ilta was one of the names who graced the stage of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun (the Finnish National Final for Eurovision). She finished third in the competition with the song "Kelle mä soitan", a potent ballad with a beautiful instrumentation that shows what a great performer Ilta is. You can check her live presentation here.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Finland | Ilta - "Voimanainen"


There comes a new single by Ilta! She has recently dropped "Voimanainen", a marking pop track with imposing beats and a raw, edgy style that really shines throguh.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Finland | Ilta - "Anteeks"


Our song of the week comes from Finland. It's "Anteeks", by Ilta. The song is a very strong ballad, with one of the best melodies of the year and a vocal performance that fills it all with a lot of emotion. A special highlight for the chorus, which is simply outstanding. We love it to bits!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Finland | Ilta - "Minne mä meen"


Finnish singer Ilta returns to Sounds European! with her latest release. The track is entitled "Minne mä meen" and it is a growing classic ballad with a beautiful orchestration.

Friday, March 02, 2018

Finland | Ilta - "Ristitulessa"


Finnish singer Ilta has just released a great new single. It's a powerful pop song, with an intense melody and an extremely fitting vocal performance. The chorus is very effective, and takes the track to an even higher level.

This song doesn't have a full-length video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Finland | Ilta - "Koukkuun"


Ilta is a Finnish singer from Jyväskylä. We have just got to listen to her new single "Koukkuun", and we are very excited about it. Its melody is set to captivate the listeners since the first beats, with the chorus finishing the job of making everyone addicted!

This song doesn't have a full-length video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.