Showing posts with label JORGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JORGE. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top 50 of 2016: #46

2016 IN 50 SONGS

The end of the year is approaching. And on Sounds European!, this can only mean one thing: it's time to look back and remember some of the coolest artists and tracks we've listened during the past 12 months. We reviewed more than 1500 songs posted in 2016 and selected the 50 we consider the best ones – which will be presented to you until December 31st.

46th place: Romania | JORGE feat. Amna - "Detector de minciuni"

Friday, November 04, 2016

Romania | JORGE feat. Amna - "Detector de minciuni"


Time to remeet two Romanian singers who have gathered in a fantastic single. JORGE and Amna released "Detector de minciuni", a very enticing electronic ballad with the usual catch of Romanian music. It's a delicious piece!

Updated on February 12th, 2019, with the new stage name of the artist.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Romania | JORGE feat. JO - "Nimeni nu-i perfect"


Get ready for another great Romanian ballad. JORGE, from Constanța, has teamed up with JO, from Slatina, to slay us with "Nimeni nu-i perfect". The song is a very intense and captivating track, filled with R&B beats.

Updated on February 12th, 2019, with the new stage name of the artist.