Showing posts with label Jake Isaac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jake Isaac. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Top 50 of 2020: #8


In 2020, Sounds European! has presented more than 1500 songs. And now, as it is our tradition, it's time to reveal our favorite ones among them. Until December 31st, you'll get to know our list with the 50 best songs we've discovered this year.

8th place: Switzerland | Stefanie Heinzmann feat. Jake Isaac - "All we need is love"

Friday, April 10, 2020

Switzerland | Stefanie Heinzmann feat. Jake Isaac - "All we need is love"


Swiss star Stefanie Heinzmann has teamed up with uprising British singer Jake Isaac in "All we need is love". The track is an anthemic pop song with an intense chorus and an uplifting atmosphere throughout.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

United Kingdom | Jake Isaac - "Long road"


Jake Isaac is an upcoming talent hailing from London. He has recently released his debut single, "Long road", and we can see why he is in everybody's mouths: the song is a perfect mix of pop and folk, and the chorus will awaken everyone of your senses!