Showing posts with label Jana Burčeska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jana Burčeska. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Top 50 of 2017: #9

2017 IN 50 SONGS

The end-of-the-year period is filled with traditions, and we also have our own. It's time to review some of the coolest artists and tracks which we listened throughout the year. In 2017, Sounds European! has presented more than 1600 songs. And, among them, we now list – until December 31st – the 50 ones which we consider to be the best of this period.

9th place: North Macedonia | Jana Burčeska - "Dance alone"

Saturday, March 18, 2017

North Macedonia | Jana Burčeska - "Dance alone"


North Macedonia was one of the last countries to release its entry for the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest. But the wait was totally worth it! "Dance alone", by Jana Burčeska (singer from Skopje who rose to prominence placing fifth on the Macedonian version of Idols), is one of the best songs of this year's competition. It's highly captivating, undeniably contemporary, and as catchy as a track can be. With music like this, no one will dance alone: it's our song of the week!