Showing posts with label Jari Sillanpää. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jari Sillanpää. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Sweden | Jari Sillanpää - "Mä elän taas"


Swedish-born Finnish singer Jari Sillanpää makes a great comeback to our site! His new single is entitled "Mä elän taas", and is a contemporary approach to a schlager-like pop!

This song doesn't have a full-length video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sweden | Jari Sillanpää - "Sinä ansaitset kultaa"


It's not the first time Sounds European! talks about Jari Sillanpää, singer who was born in Sweden (in 1965, in Ludvika) but has his career developed in Finland. After "Tanssii kuin John Travolta", it's time to listen to "Sinä ansaitset kultaa", a very high-quality ballad pop song. It's a track which grows little by little, in the proper amount, until a great chorus.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sweden | Jari Sillanpää - "Tanssii kuin John Travolta"


Jari Sillanpää was born in Sweden, but has developed his whole career in Finland. Actually, you may remember him from representing Finland in Eurovision in 2004 with "Takes two to tango". His latest single is the sticky and totally upbeating "Tanssii kuin John Travolta". Get the disco ball and boogey with us!