Showing posts with label Louis Tomlinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louis Tomlinson. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2020

Top 50 of 2020: #13


In 2020, Sounds European! has presented more than 1500 songs. And now, as it is our tradition, it's time to reveal our favorite ones among them. Until December 31st, you'll get to know our list with the 50 best songs we've discovered this year.

13th place: United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Walls"

Thursday, January 30, 2020

United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Walls"


We were super excited to hear Louis Tomlinson's new single! The British singer has just put up "Walls", a beautifully orchestrated ballad that grows into memorable choruses. The song is an appetizer from his upcoming album, also entitled "Walls", that will be out by the end of January.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Top 50 of 2019: #17


Sounds European! has featured over 1500 songs in 2019. With the end of the year approaching, it's time to look back and review the best of them. You will now be presented, until December 31st, with our list of the top 50 European songs of 2019.

17th place: United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Kill my mind"

Sunday, December 01, 2019

United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Don't let it break your heart"


It doesn't get old: another release by Louis Tomlinson, another masterpiece for his discography! The British star has now gifted us with "Don't let it break your heart". It's an outstanding pop-rock song, with a chorus that sticks to the head as easy as one could ever do.

Updated on December 7th, 2019, with the official video.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "We made it"


British star Louis Tomlinson keeps surprising us. Every new release of his is outstanding, and "We made it" keeps the level high. It's an easygoing pop-rock song with a well-paced melody and a very cool chorus!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Kill my mind"


With every single, Louis Tomlinson is showing he is ready to offer a huge and very solid solo career. His latest one, "Kill my mind", is another proof of that. It's such a powerful pop-rock song! Its instrumentals are very intense, its melody is punchy and vivid, and the chorus is as compelling as one can be. We absolutely love it!

Saturday, April 06, 2019

United Kingdom | Louis Tomlinson - "Two of us"


British star Louis Tomlinson (Doncaster, 1991) has just released a new single. And we have no doubt in affirming: "Two of us" has all the qualities to quickly become a worldwide hit! It offers an emotional ambience, whose tone is set by both its beautiful lyrics and its honest and flawless vocal performance, and a marvelous melody. The result is excellent!

Updated on May 18th, 2019, with the official video.