Showing posts with label Matteo Faustini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matteo Faustini. Show all posts

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Italy | Matteo Faustini - "Per donare"


Matteo Faustini is steadily becoming one of our favorite new stars to emerge in Italy. His latest single, "Per donare", is one more example of why that's happening. It's a passionate song, with a very strong vocal performance. He is such a talented singer!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Italy | Matteo Faustini - "Stanco di piangere"


It's time to remeet Italian rising star Matteo Faustini. He has just released "Stanco di piangere". It's a marvelous ballad with a smooth ambience which offers the perfect set for Matteo to gift us with an impressive vocal performance.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Italy | Matteo Faustini - "La bocca del cuore"


Single after single, Matteo Faustini is showing a wonderful talent, and we are getting fully in love with his music. And "La bocca del cuore" confirms it all even further. It's a beautiful song, with a passionate melody and a wonderful vocal performance.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Italy | Matteo Faustini - "Il cuore incassa forte"


Sounds European! remeets Italian singer Matteo Faustini. He has just released "Il cuore incassa forte". And with it, he clearly shows his previous single wasn't an accident: his voice sounds like it was born for beautiful, heartfelt ballads!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Italy | Matteo Faustini - "Vorrei (La rabbia soffice)"


Matteo Faustini is an Italian singer hailing from Brescia. Meet him with his outstanding new single, "Vorrei (La rabbia soffice)". The song, which is balanced between uptempo verses and a midtempo, very passionate chorus, allows Matteo's voice to shine brightly. We are fully in love with it!