Showing posts with label Modà. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modà. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Italy | Modà - "Comincia lo show"


Our song of the week comes from Italy: Modà has a new single! "Comincia lo show" is a stunning mix of retro groove, classical instruments and intense rock riffs, a combination that they deliver with astonishing power. With the song and video, the band criticizes "today's social world where anywhere, sitting on their sofa, can use their phone as a weapon and judge others from the other side of the screen".

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Italy | Modà - "Cuore di cemento"


Italian band Modà has just released a stupendous new single. We are talking about "Cuore di cemento". It's a wonderful rock song with a captivating melody and a huge chorus, led by grandiose instrumentals. We love it to bits: it's our song of the week!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Italy | Modà - "Una vita non mi basta"


Italian band Modà has just released a new single. And it's a lovely one! "Una vita non mi basta" is that kind of rock ballad only Modà know how to deliver. It's totally a must-listen!

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Italy | Modà - "Per una notte insieme"


We are now landing in Italy, to check Modà's new single. The band has just released "Per una notte insieme". It's a beautiful and strong ballad, with a video that shows a bit of their energy during concerts.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Italy | Modà - "Testa o croce"


Italian band Modà is back to our site with a new single. "Testa o croce" is a rock ballad that starts as a guitar-and-voice track and evolves with a beautiful orchestration.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Italy | Modà - "Puoi leggerlo solo di sera"


It's time to remeet Modà and their new single. The Italian band have just released another marvelous ballad. "Puoi leggerlo solo di sera" offers a grandiose mix of classical and rock instruments.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Italy | Modà - "Guarda le luci di questa città"


Italian band Modà are back with a beautiful ballad. "Guarda le luci di questa città" brings a different side of the band: a sweet ballad with an inspiring instrumentation.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Italy | Modà - "Quelli come me"


Italian band Modà have just released a new single. And we couldn't be more addicted. "Quelli come me" is such an intense rock song! The chorus is specially powerful. Kekko adds even more personality to the track with his voice.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Italy | Modà - "Quel sorriso in volto"


Our favorite Italian band is finally back with a new single! It's Modà, with "Quel sorriso in volto". The song is a well-paced ballad built by beautiful instrumentals and a great ambience.

Friday, December 09, 2016

Italy | Modà - "Piove ormai da tre giorni"


Nowadays, talking about Italian rock without mentioning Modà is impossible. And, single after single, they prove why they are so big. "Piove ormai da tre giorni" is another grandiose single, with that epic tone only they can add to a rock song.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Italy | Modà - "Francesco"


Italian band Modà slow down with their new single. And we are totally into their pace! "Francesco" has a calmer melody than what's usual for them, but keeping the quality very high: it's such a lovely and captivating song!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Italy | Modà - "Stella cadente"


The most important band in the current Italian music scene has just released an amazing new single. "Stella cadente", by Modà, is a beautiful song, with a touching and involving melody and a stupendous vocal performance by Kekko. We love it!

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Italy | Modà - "Passione maledetta"


Our favorite Italian band has just released a new single. And let's be honest: whenever Modà has something new, we all expect it to be great. Well, "Passione maledetta" meets these expectations. And goes beyond! It exhales Italian passion, in a very powerful rock 'n' roll melody. It is, for sure, one of the best singles ever released by Modà. It is, also for sure, our song of the week!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Italy | Modà - "È solo colpa mia"


The best rock band of Italy has just released a new single. It's time for us to check "È solo colpa mia", by Modà. It's that kind of involving song with big drops of Italian passion added to it, in that way which only Kekko Silvestre can make.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Italy | Modà - "E non c'è mai una fine"


No rock can be more Italian than the one made by Modà. Lead singer and composer Kekko Silvestre is a master on translating the passion of Italians into music. And that's exactly what we find with the band's new single "E non c'è mai una fine". The addition of classical instruments to their power rock makes it strong, unique and extremely passionate and intense!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Italy | Modà feat. Emma - "Come in un film"


What happens when two of the biggest artists of a country gather to record a song? We are about to discover: "Come in un film" is the new single by the great Italian rock band Modà, which features the 2012 Festival di Sanremo winner Emma. It's actually a reunion, since they had already been together on the amazing "Arriverà". Their new song is as powerful and incisive as Italian rock can be!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Italy | Modà feat. Tazenda - "Cuore e vento"


Time for the meeting of two big bands of Italy. Modà is one of the biggest names of the current Italian music scene, and their songs have already appeared on SE! some times. Tazenda is a traditional ethnic pop-rock band which was formed in the 1980s. The two groups gathered to release "Cuore e vento", a very beautiful and touching track.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Italy | Modà - "La sua bellezza"


The great music of the Italian band Modà isn't new to our readers: "Non è mai abbastanza" was displayed here in October. Now, they released "La sua bellezza", which is even greater than their previous single. Intense, powerful and passionate... the specialty of Italian music!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Italy | Modà - "Non è mai abbastanza"


Modà can be pointed as one of the biggest and most successful (if not the most) rock band from the current music scene of Italy. Formed in Milan in 2002, they've already reached a second place in the prestigious Festival di Sanremo, in 2011, with the amazing "Arriverà" – performed together with the singer Emma. Their new single has all the power of Italian music inserted in rock sounds, which is the main characteristic of the band.