Showing posts with label Nocadeň. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nocadeň. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Slovakia | Nocadeň - "Svitanie"


It's finally time to remeet Slovak band Nocadeň, and see what's new with them! Their latest single is "Svitanie". It's a rock song with a lot of personality! It offers an epic vibe which is simply irresistible.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Slovakia | Nocadeň - "Papierové kone"


Nocadeň are a Slovak band formed in Košice by Rasťo, Róbert Kopina, Peter Gufrovič and Boris Mihálik. They have just released an amazing single. "Papierové kone" is a deep song with outstanding instrumental work. The melody builds a unique ambience which allows the listeners to get fully hypnotized.