Showing posts with label Philippine et Théo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philippine et Théo. Show all posts

Sunday, June 09, 2019

France | Philippine et Théo - "L'anamour"


French duo Philippine et Théo are back with another wonderful rendition. This time, we can enjoy their version of "L'anamour", originally performed by Serge Gainsbourg. With it, they prove that the simple, when done properly, can be huge!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

France | Philippine et Théo - "Il a neigé sur yesterday"


Whenever we meet French duo Philippine et Théo and a new single of theirs, we know great music is coming our way. And that's what is happening once again, with their rendition to Marie Laforêt's "Il a neigé sur yesterday". They managed to imprint their unique and sweet spirit to this already amazing song.

This song doesn't have an official video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

France | Philippine et Théo - "Salut les amoureux"


French duo Philippine et Théo are back with another gift to our ears. They have just released "Salut les amoureux", a light and easy-to-listen song with a cute mix of entertaining instrumentals and flawless vocals. It's a song to listen on repeat!

This song doesn't have an official video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

France | Philippine et Théo - "So far away from L.A" / "Le premier pas"


It's time to remeet French duo Philippine et Théo, with another gift for our ears. It's a video with an acoustic medley of two songs of their future album, to be released in 2019. "So far away from L.A" and "Le premier pas" are wonderful, and have let us fully excited to listen to the rest of the album!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

France | Philippine et Théo - "Pour la fin du monde"


Philippine et Théo are a duo of French singers, songwriters and multi-instrumentalists from Mauritius and Le Havre. They are also known for having taken part of The Voice in France. Now, they are releasing their first video. And, if it depends on this first sample, huge success is on their way: "Pour la fin du monde" is excellent! Its melody is fresh and captivating, the chorus is highly addictive and their voices are flawless. It's totally worth the listen!