Showing posts with label Ruth Lorenzo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruth Lorenzo. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo feat. Rayden - "El mismo puñal"


Ruth Lorenzo and Rayden have gathered for a new single. The Spanish stars have just released "El mismo puñal". It's a very intense pop song, with strong and marking pop-rock instrumentals. Their voices and styles work very well together!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Crisálida"


Spanish singer Ruth Lorenzo returns to our site with a mind-blowing new single. "Crisálida" boasts a raw melody that fits perfectly with her powerful vocals, resulting in an emotional track.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Underworld"


Spanish diva Ruth Lorenzo is preparing a new album. And, before its release, she is already showing us a single that will be part of it. "Underworld" is a haunting piece of pop-rock with an in crescendo melody that will keep you on the edge of the seat!

Updated on July 20th, 2019, with the official video.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Top 50 of 2017: #29

2017 IN 50 SONGS

The end-of-the-year period is filled with traditions, and we also have our own. It's time to review some of the coolest artists and tracks which we listened throughout the year. In 2017, Sounds European! has presented more than 1600 songs. And, among them, we now list – until December 31st – the 50 ones which we consider to be the best of this period.

29th place: Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Good girls don't lie"

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Good girls don't lie"


Look who is finally back! Spanish super star Ruth Lorenzo has finally released a new single. And the wait was totally worth it: "Good girls don't lie" is absolutely outstanding! It's such a unique song, with a thrilling melody and an excellent chorus. And Ruth's voice is the cherry on top of it all – simply flawless. We can't stop listening to it: it's our song of the week!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Voces"


Spanish star Ruth Lorenzo has just released a new single. And we couldn't be happier: "Voces" is the perfect gift for all of us who were missing her. It's a great pop track, with a very beautiful melody and Ruth's always flawless vocal performance.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Echo"


Shortly after the release of her single "99", Spanish singer Ruth Lorenzo has already presented a new song to the fans. "Echo" is a very interesting pop with unique ambience and entertaining instrumentals. Ruth's voice is, as usual, the perfect wrapping to a great song.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "99"


Spanish sweetheart Ruth Lorenzo has released her first English-language single since her Eurovision hit, "Dancing in the rain". "99" is a fantastic uptempo pop, with an explosive chorus and a fresh melody.

Updated on October 16th, 2015, with the official video.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Patito feo"


Spanish singer Ruth Lorenzo has released a very emotional new single. "Patito feo" is a very powerful and intense ballad, a true grower not only in terms of melody but also in terms of powerfulness of Ruth's voice. It is definitely one of the finest tracks by Ruth!

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Gigantes"


Some days ago, SE! presented one of the new songs which were recently released by Spanish singer Ruth Lorenzo, the intense "Renuncio". Today, we highlight another great one, "Gigantes", which is a less direct but also greatly effective track.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Renuncio"


After getting a significant result for Spain on this year's Eurovision Song Contest (being the best placed among the "Big Five countries"), Ruth Lorenzo is back, with more of her great music. The past week, she released three new songs. Today, we highlight "Renuncio". It's a very strong track: an explosion of power and intensity, as we usually expect from Latin pop.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Spain | Ruth Lorenzo - "Dancing in the rain"


From May 3rd to May 9th, Sounds European! will review the best entries of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which is taking place in Copenhagen – with semifinals on May 6th and 8th and the final on the 10th.

Spain is showing, year after year, they are learning what kind of music works on Eurovision. This year, they've given a more daring step, which is trying an entry sung mostly in English. "Dancing in the rain" is a huge display of Ruth Lorenzo's vocal quality. Amazing song!