Showing posts with label Sandi Cenov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandi Cenov. Show all posts

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Croatia | Sandi Cenov - "U ponoć"


There is a new song to be played all around Croatia on Christmas! It's Sandi Cenov's "U ponoć". It is a very entertaining song, and has helped put us even more excited for next week.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Croatia | Sandi Cenov - "Ljubi san vašu kćer"


Sandi Cenov is a Croatian singer from Rijeka. He has a new single on offer, entitled "Ljubi san vašu kćer". And what a wonderful one it is! It's a ballad with a passionate mix of melody and voice, which exudes emotion and intensity.