Showing posts with label Sasha (France). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha (France). Show all posts

Sunday, December 09, 2018

France | Sasha - "Je danse"


Look who is back! It took us some time to listen to French singer Sasha's new single "Je danse". But better late than never: it is a great song! An intro with classy instruments and a well-marked melody builds the path to a modern and very catchy chorus. We love it!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Top 50 of 2016: #8

2016 IN 50 SONGS

The end of the year is approaching. And on Sounds European!, this can only mean one thing: it's time to look back and remember some of the coolest artists and tracks we've listened during the past 12 months. We reviewed more than 1500 songs posted in 2016 and selected the 50 we consider the best ones – which will be presented to you until December 31st.

8th place: France | Sasha - "Sur mon étoile"

Saturday, December 03, 2016

France | Sasha - "Sur mon étoile"


French singer Sasha is still giving the first steps of her career. So, obviously, we are still getting to know her musical proposal in greater depth. But, even with few samples of it so far, we can already say we absolutely love her work! Her new single "Sur mon étoile" left us astonished. It is a brilliant pop song which took our breath away! It's our song of the week.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

France | Sasha - "Alive"


There are artists who, on their debut single, already give us the impression they are meant to be stars. So, get ready, because it is time to meet one of them: Sasha Bem, from Paris, is a huge new talent rising in French soil. Her first song, "Alive", is a masterpiece. It has a deep and involving melody, with a captivating chorus and great singing.