Showing posts with label Sergej Ćetković. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sergej Ćetković. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Kofer"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković is back with new music! He has recently released "Kofer", a beautiful single which captures the essence of Balkan ethnic music.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Vratile se ptice"


Time to share the new single by Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković! We're talking about "Vratile se ptice", an elegant, piano-driven ballad led by Sergej's amazing voice.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "25. sat"


Montenegrin idol Sergej Ćetković can do no wrong. Every new single of his becomes a new addiction of ours. And "25. sat" is here to make it happen once again! The song is Balkan pop at its best: it has a captivating melody, great instrumentals and, as usual, a flawless vocal performance by Sergej.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Ljubav"


Montenegrin superstar Sergej Ćetković has once more conquered our hearts. His most recent single, "Ljubav", is everything you could want: a sweet ballad with that unmistakeable Balkan instrumentation that takes the song to a whole new level.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Dio zivota"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković finished 2018 releasing a single on the very last day of the year. The song is entitled "Dio zivota", and it is a new approach to his tender, ethnic kind of pop-rock. A real treat to the ears!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Top 50 of 2018: #39

2018 IN 50 SONGS

Throughout the year, Sounds European! has presented over 1600 songs. As it is our tradition, we have reviewed all of them and selected the 50 that we consider to be the best of the bunch. And now – until December 31st –, it's time to present our final list!

39th place: Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Ako te zaboravim"

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Ako te zaboravim"


With every single he releases, Sergej Ćetković confirms his status as one of the best Montenegrin singers. And "Ako te zaboravim", his latest one, is not an exception. It is a simple, yet ultra captivating, pop-rock that became our song of the week!

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković feat. Jana Šušteršič - "Bar da odeš"


Here comes a magnific meeting of Balkan musicians. Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković met Slovene singer Jana Šušteršič in "Bar da odeš", an emotional ballad with all the power of traditional sounds.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Istine i lazi"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković is making a great return to our site with his most recent single. In "Istine i lazi", he delivers his classic pop-rock sounds with a touch of Balkan beats, conveying a real joy to the ears!

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković feat. Hauser - "Oči nikad ne stare"


Montenegrin star Sergej Ćetković is back with a new single, along with Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser, of 2CELLOS. "Oči nikad ne stare" is astonishingly beautiful! It offers wonderful instrumentals, an involving and passionate melody and, as usual, Sergej's lovely voice, filling the song with emotion.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "To nisi ti"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković is on fire! We covered him last week with "Bolje nađi drugog", and here he comes again with another amazing single: "To nisi ti" is a beautiful mix between a pop-rock and a ballad, which is of course taken to a whole new level thanks to Sergej's outstanding voice.

Friday, June 09, 2017

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Bolje nađi drugog"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković returns to our site with a new single! "Bolje nađi drugog" is an elegant pop-rock track with a calm melody and a very attractive chorus.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Reci da"


The unmistakable voice of Sergej Ćetković is back with a new single. The Montenegrin singer has released "Reci da", and it's everything one can expect of him: emotional melody, beautiful voice and a passionate and involving ambience. We love it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Ne živim ja"


Montenegrin singer Sergej Ćetković is having one of the most prolific moments of his career. His most recent single is again a wonderful mix of pop and Balkan sounds: "Ne živim ja" explodes with traditional instruments and the sweetness that only Sergej can put in his music!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Top 50 of 2015: #48

2015 IN 50 SONGS

It's already becoming a tradition: every December, Sounds European! looks back on the best music we've presented throughout the year. The editors reviewed more than 1300 songs, in order to select the 50 which they consider the best ones of 2015. Until December 31st, this top 50 will highlight some of the coolest artists and tracks which were seen here during the year.

48th place: Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Korov"

Friday, November 06, 2015

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Korov"


We now land in Montenegro, where we remeet one of the most beautiful male voices in the continent. Sergej Ćetković has just released "Korov". It's another touching ballad which is clearly built to display Ćetković's great vocal capabilities. Its melody, specially in the chorus, is very involving.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Zar je kraj?"


Sergej Ćetković is one of the most important names of the Balkan music scene. Born in Podgorica in 1976, Sergej is also known for being the first artist ever to take Montenegro to the final of Eurovision Song Contest (earlier this year, with the beautiful "Moj svijet"). He has now released another touching song, the endearing "Zar je kraj?".

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Montenegro | Sergej Ćetković - "Moj svijet"


From May 3rd to May 9th, Sounds European! will review the best entries of this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which is taking place in Copenhagen – with semifinals on May 6th and 8th and the final on the 10th.

Sergej Ćetković is a very important name in the Montenegrin music industry, showing the country really wants to bet on quality for this year's edition. And they were exact: "Moj svijet" is the kind of Balkan ballad which really appeals well to the public of the contest, and can specially work in a year when Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (which are masters in this style of music) are not competing.