Showing posts with label Simona Popovska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simona Popovska. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Feel so good"


Look who we are finally remeeting! It's Macedonian star Simona Popovska, who has just released a new single. "Feel so good" is a catchy electropop song with an inviting melody and very entertaining beats.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Ostani"


This year's Makfest, one of the most traditional music festivals in the Balkans, was filled with excellent music. And Macedonian diva Simona Popovska had one of these amazing songs: "Ostani" is a pop banger with irresistible electronic elements. We love it!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Ti si moja pobeda"


Look who is finally back! We were completely excited to know Macedonian superstar Simona Popovska has finally released a new single. And we cannot stress enough: it is an outstanding comeback! "Ti si moja pobeda" is a summer pop song at its best.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Top 50 of 2017: #43

2017 IN 50 SONGS

The end-of-the-year period is filled with traditions, and we also have our own. It's time to review some of the coolest artists and tracks which we listened throughout the year. In 2017, Sounds European! has presented more than 1600 songs. And, among them, we now list – until December 31st – the 50 ones which we consider to be the best of this period.

43rd place: North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Sama"

Sunday, October 22, 2017

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Sama"


Sounds European! remeets Macedonian star Simona Popovska, who has just released an excellent new single. "Sama" is a wonderful ballad! It offers great melody, built by a very classy set of instrumentals. Simona's voice is, as usual, flawless, filling the song with a lot of emotion. We are truly in love with it!

Updated on April 6th, 2019, with the official video.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska feat. Tamburasi Gezme - "Kako da zaboravam"


One of our favorite Macedonian artists, Simona Popovska, has just released a new single. Along with Tamburasi Gezme, she has recorded "Kako da zaboravam". It's a unique song which offers pop with a lot of folk elements. The result is quite interesting.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Ne ni e kriv nikoj drug"


Macedonian star Simona Popovska has just released a new song. And it shows a side of hers we don't see that often! "Ne ni e kriv nikoj drug" adds a spice of folk to the usual electronic pop we get from her. It's different, fresh and highly enjoyable!

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Znam deka lazes"


Macedonian pop star Simona Popovska is back with a great new single. "Znam deka lazes" is a very addictive pop track. Its groovy melody is extremely appealing, specially in the chorus, which is quite catchy. Simona's voice is, as usual, outstanding in it.

Monday, February 29, 2016

10 Questions For: Simona Popovska


2016 is being a great year for our interviews section! We are having some fun (and, at the same time, deep) talks with some of our favorite artists. And here we go once again, now to North Macedonia, to chat with an artist whose work we really admire. She is one of the biggest and best stars in the Macedonian music scene. These are our 10 questions for Simona Popovska:

Sounds European!: We are always curious about the artists' music background. Who were your music idols when you were growing up? Who are your current idols? How and at what age did you start singing? And when did you start singing professionally?

Simona Popovska: I first started singing at the age of six. I also had my first performance at that age, and grew up listening to Mariah Carey. My current [idol], I don't know, is Rihanna.

SE!: You took part of the Macedonian National Final for Junior Eurovision in two occasions. In 2004, you came second; two years later, you finished third. What memories and lessons do you keep of those experiences? Have you ever considered representing your country on the adult Eurovision?

SP: I learned a lot during those events. Like what it takes to fight for your place – and also how to take advantage of your five minutes to show that you have what it takes. It's a dream to represent my country [on Eurovision] as a professional singer.

SE!: We absolutely love the music you produce. Your single "Ne e najdobro", for example, was on our list of the 50 best songs of 2014. We see your music as pop at its purest state: catchy, contagious, timeless and entertaining. Is it your objective when making songs? How would you describe your own music?

SP: I would describe my music as very heartfelt and truthful. There is no specific formula on creating my music, I am singing what I feel at the time.

SE!: Another thing which really calls our attention about your work is the aesthetics of your music videos. They are extremely beautiful and well produced. Is it a concern of yours to have attractive videos?

SP: In the videos, I want to show that a woman can always present herself formally and still be sexy. I also pay really close attention to the details and coloring of my music videos.

SE!: You are developing a work together with Macedonian DJ and producer Erik Fox, called The Sound Messengers. What can you tell us about it? How did you decide to start it? What kind of music do you produce? And how is it to work with him?

SP: We have been randomly bumping into each other. So we began to talk about what we both could bring to the table. I am a professional singer and he is a very well known DJ in North Macedonia. The Sound Messengers is based on house music and vocals. This is something that has been missing in messaging for quite some time. We then realized that this is something that can be taken out of North Macedonia and be brought worldwide. We're on a good run so far: we've already made five songs and our most popular hit, "Love me".

"I would describe my music as very heartfelt and truthful" (Picture: official Facebook page)

SE!: You took part on last year's Skopje Festival. Even though you ended second place, you were the most voted by the audience. What can you tell us about your experience in the festival? And what did it mean to you to have such a great acceptance with the public?

SP: It was a great experience overall! I'm very happy that I reached the second place. But, overall, I've got the biggest smile on my face knowing that the crowd really appreciated it and was supporting me all along the way.

SE!: North Macedonia is, in continental proportions, a small country. How is it to develop a music career in a country like North Macedonia? Do Macedonian artists need to expand their music to other countries to make a living? And do you dream of going international with your work?

SP: Being a professional singer in North Macedonia isn't the easiest thing to accomplish. Given the fact that it's such a small country, you have to make sure that you're on your "A" game. It's always been a dream of mine since I was a little girl to have concert tours worldwide.

SE!: If you could choose anyone, who would be some Macedonian and international artists you'd like to collaborate with?

SP: If I could choose anybody in the world, I would like to collaborate with David Guetta.

SE!: What are your professional projects for the near future? What can your fans expect for 2016?

SP: I'm currently working on new songs to release my first album. This upcoming year should be very interesting, as I have two more music videos to be released and a couple of tours during the summer.

SE!: We would like to post a song of yours to close this interview. What is your favorite song of yourself, and why?

SP: Well, my favorite song currently is "Jas ne te sakam". The reason I choose that song is because that's my style of music, in the rhythm that I enjoy.

We would like to thank our Macedonian friend and collaborator Ace for helping us with the research which allowed us to develop this interview.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Jas ne te sakam"


Macedonian star Simona Popovska never disappoints us! Every new single of hers is a great surprise. And "Jas ne te sakam" was not an exception: catchy melody which really invites everyone to dance, plus the great vocal performance we are used to get from Simona. As contagious as it can be!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Se ke pomine"


Once again, we meet one of our favorite Macedonian artists, Simona Popovska. The song "Se ke pomine" is another sample of the great music she has. It's everything you can expect from a good pop track: it's catchy, well sung and very contagious!

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Sakam se"


Macedonian singer Simona Popovska dazzled us in 2014, when her excellent "Ne e najdobro" was on our top 50 songs of the year. We now remeet her with her new single "Sakam se". It doesn't surprise us anymore: it's another outstanding song with a very groovy and contagious melody. The chorus is specially addictive!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Top 50 of 2014: #15

2014 IN 50 SONGS

The end of 2014 is approaching. And, as it happened on the last days of 2013, it's time for our review of the best we've listened throughout the year. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were published here during this period – more than 1200 – and selected the 50 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 50 will remember some of the coolest artists and tracks which were presented during the year.

15th place: North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Ne e najdobro"

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Ne e najdobro"


Macedonian singer Simona Popovska, who was here on Sounds European! in 2013 with the great "Do kraj", has just released a new single. And it's another amazing song: "Ne e najdobro" is an involving and groovy pop track. Delightful!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

North Macedonia | Simona Popovska - "Do kraj"


Simona Popovska is one of the best names of the current pop music scene in North Macedonia. She has taken part of several important festivals in her country and region, and her songs are always highly praised (deservedly). In "Do kraj", a powerful pop-rock, you can see how talented she is.