Showing posts with label Tagtraeumer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tagtraeumer. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Austria | Tagtraeumer - "Metronom"


Austrian band Tagtraeumer have just released a new single. And we are totally addicted to it! "Metronom" is pop-rock at its best form, offering an involving melody, great vocals and an irresistible chorus. It's impossible to listen to it only once!

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Austria | Tagtraeumer - "Unendlich gleich"


Time to remeet Austrian band Tagtraeumer! The guys are back to Sounds European! with their single "Unendlich gleich". It brings fresh and delightful rock sounds into a fantastic pop song.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Austria | Tagtraeumer - "Tagtraeumen"


Tagtraeumer, young Austrian band formed by Thomas Schneider, Kevin Lehr, Matthias Kalcher, Alexander Putz and Tobias Fellinger, have just released an epic track. "Tagtraeumen" is a very cool pop track which blends with rock in the chorus. We're stuck with it!