Showing posts with label The Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sun. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Estonia | The Sun - "Aega on"


Estonian band The Sun has a very characteristic style of rock 'n' roll. You don't need to play many seconds of a song to identify them, either by the instrumentals or by Tanel Padar's voice. And their music is always great! Their new single "Aega on" is another perfect example of it: it's very powerful, intense and energetic.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Top 50 of 2014: #7

2014 IN 50 SONGS

The end of 2014 is approaching. And, as it happened on the last days of 2013, it's time for our review of the best we've listened throughout the year. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were published here during this period – more than 1200 – and selected the 50 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 50 will remember some of the coolest artists and tracks which were presented during the year.

7th place: Estonia | The Sun - "Ootab veel palju ilusaid maid"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Estonia | The Sun - "Ootab veel palju ilusaid maid"


Are you ready to listen to an excellent and exciting rock track? From Tallinn, it's time to meet the band The Sun – whose lead singer is Tanel Padar, winner of the 2001 Eurovision Song Contest. Their new single "Ootab veel palju ilusaid maid" is intense and contagious, and has one of the best choruses we've listened in the last months!