Showing posts with label Tom Grennan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Grennan. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2021

Top 50 of 2021: #1


As is our tradition every end of December, it is time to review the best songs of the year. During this period, Sounds European! has featured over 1300 songs. And now, we are presenting, until December 31st, our list of the 50 best European songs of 2021.

In 2021, no song has made us more addicted. It was released on the first days of the year, and we've been listening to it like it's the newest release, like it's the hottest hit at the moment, ever since. It's a stupendous song, and we are proud to announce: "Little bit of love", by Tom Grennan, is our song of the year!

1st place: United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Little bit of love"

Saturday, October 16, 2021

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Don't break the heart"


Tom Grennan is back with an outstanding new single. It's "Don't break the heart". With it, Tom is showing once again that he is today's main name in the singer-songwriter genre. What a song, what a melody, what a chorus! Everything is stupendous: it's our song of the week.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Little bit of love"


British singer Tom Grennan has just released a new single! "Little bit of love" talks about toxic masculinity and unconditional love, all wrapped in his classic pop-rock mix that makes your toes curl every time!

Sunday, December 06, 2020

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Something better"


While we are waiting for Tom Grennan's new album, new singles keep coming. And we are getting more and more excited about it all! Now, we present "Something better", a classy song with entertaining instruments and a very catchy chorus.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Amen"


British singer Tom Grennan has announced a new album's coming. "Evering Road" will be out in March 2021, but, meanwhile, we can enjoy its first single. "Amen" brings folk, rock and pop beats together with Tom's raw voice, a combo that is hard to resist!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Oh please"


Time to check up on Tom Grennan! He has just released "Oh please", a song that plays in between genres incorporating slight urban sounds and an impressive orchestration.

Friday, January 31, 2020

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "This is the place"


And here is Tom Grennan, once again, presenting an amazing new single! This one is entitled "This is the place". The song's enticing melody and exciting instrumentals build a unique mood!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Top 50 of 2018: #17

2018 IN 50 SONGS

Throughout the year, Sounds European! has presented over 1600 songs. As it is our tradition, we have reviewed all of them and selected the 50 that we consider to be the best of the bunch. And now – until December 31st –, it's time to present our final list!

17th place: United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Sober"

Saturday, December 15, 2018

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Run in the rain"


British singer Tom Grennan has recently unveiled a new single. "Run in the rain" is a more intimate approach to his sounds, being a ballad in which his raspy voice shines through. The result is stupendous!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

France | Naya feat. Tom Grennan - "Quelque chose de toi"


It's time to listen to a wonderful international collaboration! Naya, from France, has joined Tom Grennan, from the United Kingdom, for "Quelque chose de toi". It's a wonderful song, with classy instrumentals and a perfect mix of their unique voices.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Barbed wire"


British singer Tom Grennan returns to Sounds European! with a highly addictive single. "Barbed wire" brings the true essence of Brit pop: a catchy rock melody, a fun interpretation and a captivating chorus. The song will be included in his debut album, "Lighting matches".

Updated on August 19th, 2018, with the official video.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Sober"


British rising star Tom Grennan has just released a new single. And it has dazzled us once again! "Sober" offers an excellent melody, led by wonderful instrumentals, and a chorus which sticks to the head after the first listen. We love it, we love it, we love it!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Top 50 of 2017: #44

2017 IN 50 SONGS

The end-of-the-year period is filled with traditions, and we also have our own. It's time to review some of the coolest artists and tracks which we listened throughout the year. In 2017, Sounds European! has presented more than 1600 songs. And, among them, we now list – until December 31st – the 50 ones which we consider to be the best of this period.

44th place: United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Found what I've been looking for"

Saturday, October 14, 2017

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Royal highness"


British singer Tom Grennan has just released a new single, and we can't stress enough: he only knows how to make great music! Once again, we are fully thrilled by a song of his – this time, "Royal highness". Its melody takes the listener on a personal trip. It's so entertaining!

Saturday, September 02, 2017

United Kingdom | Tom Grennan - "Found what I've been looking for"


Get ready to have your mind blown by a breathtaking new song! Meet Tom Grennan, British singer and songwriter from Bedford. His new single "Found what I've been looking for" is a masterpiece. Every aspect of it is stupendous, flawless. We are totally hooked on it: it's our song of the week!