Showing posts with label Tony Cetinski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Cetinski. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Svaka tvoja laž"


Croatian star Tony Cetinski is back with a new single. And you know what it means: it's time to listen to great music! "Svaka tvoja laž" is a very entertaining pop-rock song with a video that is as fun as the song.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Top 50 of 2018: #15

2018 IN 50 SONGS

Throughout the year, Sounds European! has presented over 1600 songs. As it is our tradition, we have reviewed all of them and selected the 50 that we consider to be the best of the bunch. And now – until December 31st –, it's time to present our final list!

15th place: Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "General bez činova"

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "General bez činova"


Get your ears and hearts ready, because it's time to listen to an excellent new song. It's "General bez činova", by Croatian star Tony Cetinski. It's a masterpiece, with wonderful melody, excellent instrumentals and a grandiose chorus. Everything about it is high quality. We love it: it's our song of the week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Laku noć"


It's time to listen to another great single by Croatian super star Tony Cetinski. "Laku noć" is an entertaining pop-rock song with a very captivating and addictive melody. It's impossible to listen to it and not to get into its groove quickly!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Od trnja do zvijezda"


Croatian star Tony Cetinski (which is now sometimes signing as Toni Cetinsky, too) is back with a new single. "Od trnja do zvijezda" is a slow-paced pop-rock with a very catchy chorus. The instrumentals are a perfect fit for the song, and Tony's vocal performance is, as usual, flawless.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Vjera nevjera"


Every country in the Balkans has one top name for Balkan ballads. And Tony Cetinski is surely the one of Croatia. His new single "Vjera nevjera" is another clear example of that: a beautiful song, with those very specific and cute instrumentals you can only find in songs of this region.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Serbia | Željko Joksimović feat. Tony Cetinski - "Zabluda"


From Serbia, Željko Joksimović. From Croatia, Tony Cetinski. We are facing the meeting of two of the biggest stars of the Balkan region. They've gathered to record and release "Zabluda", a very traditional Balkan ballad which explores the best of their talents. Majestic song!

Embedding for this video has been disabled, but you can check it by clicking here.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Krik"


The Croatian star Tony Cetinski's and Sounds European!'s ways crossed for the first time last year, with "Zena nad zenama". Now, it's time to remeet him, with the release of his new single. "Krik" is an amazing pop-rock, filled with energy and with Tony's great voice.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Croatia | Tony Cetinski - "Zena nad zenama"


Tony Cetinski, who was born in 1969 in the city of Pula, is one of the most popular Croatian singers. He has just released "Zena nad zenama", which is a very enjoyable pop-rock song. You can enjoy Tony's amazing voice, together with the very beautiful Croatian sceneries which illustrate the video clip.