Showing posts with label Vilma Alina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vilma Alina. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2020

Finland | Vilma Alina - "Rikollinen"


It's time to remeet Finnish star Vilma Alina, and listen to her latest release. It's entitled "Rikollinen". The song is an inviting pop with great melody and instrumentals and a very marking chorus.

This song doesn't have an official video on YouTube, but you can listen to it on Spotify.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Finland | Vilma Alina - "Uhanalasii"


She is finally back! Finnish pop star Vilma Alina returns to Sounds European! with "Uhanalasii". Starting with the beat of a piano, the song evolves to a very sweet R&B ballad, revealing another side of the singer.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Finland | Vilma Alina feat. Nelli Matula, Ida Paul and Sini Yasemin - "Tyynysotaa"


Huge meeting of stars in Finland! Vilma Alina, Nelli Matula, Ida Paul and Sini Yasemin (from Helsinki) have just released "Tyynysotaa". And it's pop at its best form! It's catchy, entertaining, with marking beats and a very strong chorus.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Finland | Vilma Alina - "Tänään ei nukuta"


After quite some time without releasing any solo single, Finnish singer Vilma Alina recently surprised us with "Tänään ei nukuta". The song is a haunting pop that plays with contemporary sounds and a very catchy chorus.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Finland | Lucas feat. Vilma Alina - "101 prosenttia"


Two of the coolest pop stars of Finland have gathered to record a song together. Lucas and Vilma Alina have just released "101 prosenttia". It's a light electropop with smooth beats and a very captivating melody. Lucas's and Vilma's voices match very well, making the track sound even better!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Finland | Vilma Alina feat. Teflon Brothers - "Juha88"


Some of the best Finnish pop stars are returning with new music after some time off. One of them is Vilma Alina. She has just released "Juha88", a very catchy pop track which has the participation of Finnish hip-hop group Teflon Brothers, from Helsinki.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Finland | Vilma Alina - "Ota mut niin"


We've showed you Vilma Alina upon the release of her first single, "Hullut asuu Kallios", and we fell in love with her second single as well! "Ota mut niin" is a haunting mixture of pop and alternative electronic sounds. An explosive chorus and sweet verses complete a lovely mix!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Top 50 of 2014: #17

2014 IN 50 SONGS

The end of 2014 is approaching. And, as it happened on the last days of 2013, it's time for our review of the best we've listened throughout the year. Sounds European! looked back on the songs which were published here during this period – more than 1200 – and selected the 50 best ones (in the editors' opinions). Until December 31st, this top 50 will remember some of the coolest artists and tracks which were presented during the year.

17th place: Finland | Vilma Alina - "Hullut asuu Kallios"

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Finland | Vilma Alina - "Hullut asuu Kallios"


Meet Vilma Alina, a brand new name upon Finnish pop scene. And meet her first single ever, "Hullut asuu Kallios". A bit of electronic touch in a pop song, with an epic and exploding chorus and the addition of some light trumpets to top it off. Mag-ni-fic!