Showing posts with label veiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veiles. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Denmark | veiles - "You & me"


veiles is Esther Møller Fogh, a Danish artist currently based in Berlin. She has just released her first single, "You & me", and we couldn't imagine a better debut for her! It's a graceful guitar-led song with a sweet melody and a very captivating ambience. She is a songwriter who is not afraid or ashamed of embracing the cliché, and we are extremely happy about that, because that's the perfect recipe for amazing music!

About the track, she explains: "I often feel like the main character in a film, running head over heels through the airport to stop the plane and declare my love to that one special person onboard. Out of breath, I reach the gate. It's closed, the plane is off, I'm too late. That's life and love – it happens right in front of you and when you least expect it. So, I wrote 'You & me' as a reminder that true love does exist".