Thursday, November 11, 2021

United Kingdom | Daytime TV - "Hush"


Will Irvine, Gareth Thompson, Chris Clark and John Caddick are Daytime TV, a group based in Edinburgh and London. They come with their cheerful take on pop-rock in their latest single, "Hush", which explores the hardships of relationships.

On the track, the frontman explains: "I was sat in one night watching a Louis Theroux documentary about the porn industry in America. It was kind of a spotlight following people in that world and what their day to day lives are like. I was totally hooked in by this one couple, the husband of which worked a 9-5 office job while the wife was building a successful career in porn. They were being interviewed separately about their relationship and how they cope with it all. The guy said something along the lines of 'she's so busy going to different shoots most days, it's like she can only love me on the weekend'. Quotes like that are like gifts from above to us songwriters and quickly inspired the chorus line. I tried to put myself in this guy's shoes and write from his perspective.”

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